Women’s Guild


2020 Women’s Guild Annual Report

It’s hard to imagine, now, that last January and February we did normal things. In January we set up tables for the potluck dinner on Jan. 11. We hosted a Bingo Night on Jan. 31, which was quite successful. On Feb. 9 we made sandwiches for the congregational meeting. We hosted a Lenten Simple Meal on March 4.

Then everything changed, as you know, due to Covid19. In the spring/summer we wanted to do something so some of us helped put together goodie bags and took them to the homes of children in our congregation. We didn’t have another meeting until September, when the only definite plans we could make were to donate $300 to Family Promise and $250 to help with the aftermath of the California fires. In our October meeting we decided we could not do either our annual Christmas bazaar or Christmas luncheon.

Hopefully, our options will get better later this year. We’ll let you know when we’re able to have meetings again. In the meantime we can arrange to get Shoprite cards to anyone who wants them. And we are still collecting Shoprite receipts in the box in fellowship hall. These are two important fundraisers for us. We appreciate all your support, good times and not so good times.

Stay safe everyone!
Harriet Harding, Secretary